All Classes and Advanced Classes in Lost Ark

February 2023 ยท 4 minute read

Lost Ark has five classes in total, but two of those classes are split into genders, affecting their Advanced classes. Each class has multiple advanced classes with unique abilities, so you'll be able to find a good character to suit whatever your playstyle is. The list below outlines what the classes and advanced classes do.

All classes in Lost Ark, explained

Warrior Class

Warriors forego speed for power. They deal massive damage with few attacks, and they work to control their targets through force rather than stealth. The advanced classes for the Warrior class are outlined below:

Related: All Martial Artist Advanced Classes and Abilities in Lost Ark - Pro Game Guides

Assassin Class

Assassins like stealth and utilize dark energy to deal damage to their enemies. They avoid a direct line of fire and deal heavy damage to their enemies before they even realize what is happening.

Martial Artist Class

Martial Artists act as counterparts to Warriors, opting for speed instead of strength. Players using Martial Artists like to deal combo damage and use clever tactics in battle rather than heading into a fight swinging blindly. This class is separated into genders, as shown below:

Gunner Class

Gunners use ranged weapons, from advanced technical weapons to simple mechanical bows. They are best for players that like to fight from a distance with tactics and clever strategy. This class is separated into genders, as shown below:

Related: All Mage Advanced Classes and Abilities in Lost Ark - Pro Game Guides

Mage Class

Mages have multiple uses for their party; they can either be used as the primary mode of support or the powerhouse of the team that deals the most damage.

We also have lists of all the known abilities for all the advanced classes! Check out our guides for the Gunner Class and Warrior Class!
